I have finally gotten up to reviving my blog -- been at the FB updating all the time and so I thought to repost my notes there to here...
Will come back again later to write updates and post pics too...
Be brave... let go....Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 7:19pm This has been something DIFFICULT for me....FACING UP TO IT and learning about my Jorel's special needs,... However one is resilient during adversities -- haharapin mo yan eh --- kasi you need too........ So you just learn to live with it and do what you can to help him...
fast forward to present day.....
At first in those indoor playgrounds we would forever be on his tail to make sure he wasn't in any harm or maybe in little tussles with other boys. We have let go and let him have his space... and of late --- he has never pushed anyone (this was just phase for a few months).If anything those huge LOLLIPOPs playland.... He seems the happiest sliding and playing -- like any normal kid would in this kind of recreation.
Now, I have gone against my fears once again and let him learn swimming,.... The 2 older KUYAs have been going for months now and the joy to see them floating and doing laps (with floaters still) is just priceless... One day I saw 4 to 5 month old babies swimming in the pool with their moms. They were still in the floating stages but toddlers younger than JOREL were already doing dog paddles and floating on their backs, or swimming freestyle even...
A little ligh bulb in my head lit up and I realized -- what am I afraid off... Jorel has been swimming (without lessons) with his brothers since he was 4 months old-- this was weeklywas, when we were living in Manila then -- why should it be any different to those babies with no communication skills at this time?There was no reason that Jorel couldnt learn to swim when he can understand instruction now and respond....
My son has been to 2 lessons so far and the same joy and smiles I see each time we go swimming -- yeah that was so evident,.... The second lesson he could even hold the side of the pool and pull himself up to sit on the edge... And when the teacher said 'raise your hand' -- the stance teaching them how to dive (in preparation to it anyway) he raised his hands, all smiles and jumped !
His teacher even let him go and he knew to keep his head over the water. He was kicking and using his hands with such gusto. Ang saya saya nya....... I was amazed when the teacher attended to other kids with him -- he just sat on the edge,... occasionally standing up (so si Mommy JO nervous to the max) but he was fine... He was having a blast,...
I was beaming with happiness --- he could have been learning same time as his KUYAs. To top it off his LOLO George and LOLA Lettie were there to witness his first lessons.... I could see how proud they are of our boys esp our newbie swimmer Jorel.
Moral of the story is ----- if child is not scared -- then why should be the Adult be scared too...
so Mommy Jo -- face up -- it was you that held him back when all along he just wanted to learn...
so from now on ---- BE BRAVE AND LET GO !!
Training my boys.. Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 5:29pm If motherhood was made into an instructional manual of sorts, a lot of moms would queue to buy it,.. I would be camping out to just get my hands on it,...
Course my brood are 3 different personalities -- 3 diff types of needs and I had to learn fast how to adapt to each one of them.
Yesterday Jorel and I braved our first dental checkup --- I say that collectively because I was more afraid how he would fight me in helping him open his mouth. Lets say he did it well and they said ALL OK no cavities.. Special kids dont really like opening their mouths, much less a masked individual ask them to do so. I am glad I really try to brush his teeth,... and that luckily he doesnt like sweet drinks or chocolates,.....
Then we had therapy -- it was a wonderful day -- he was really responding well... I left there so proud of my boy,.... God really listens -- he is intently listening to my prayers for sweet boy.
Then came the MALL --- I didn't bring a stroller so I placed him in the mall trolley,.... and at first near the handle where you put babies but I realized he was just too cramped there..I stuff the trolley with Shopping (lagot!) and I made him sit in there and he was just super ok. We waited for us to get KFC and although he preferred my Chinese food -- he sat next to me in the food court area. He even got close to the young ladies while they ate their lunch but he never ran nor tried to go down. He was behaved.
Before I would absolutely die if he was to try to abscond or when he would refuse stopping in the stroller. Now my boy has grown and listens and follows. Again he has surprised me and allowed me to again realize -- I should believe in him more and trust his capabilities. Our life may not be PERFECT but I see GOD's perfection and miracles in HIM. Sometimes I often get depressed but little by little he uplifts me through my son.
I have started walking with him hand in hand for at least 30 minutes for him to get used to it. He would hold my hand automatically and listens to me when i need him closer.... Of course I would like to increase this as time goes by and so I would never be afraid to be walking my 3 boys around (esp when I am alone with the boys).
Lately we have been doing behavioral therapy. and we are working harder to really help him adjust to normalcy,... GOD is good -- he will see us through..... I just know it !