Even in my busy days, I am trying to create my layouts for my children... it is something I am trying to get used to considering -- there are no househelp here in OZ. So the only names my children know to call is MOM and DAD....
I have been very diligent but indeed practical in creating my pages now. And I am proud of my new pages because they are quick and simple pages. And 10x times proud of myself because I have sifted through old materials and used it.. from paper to stickers to embellies.. I came to a strong realisation that my hoarding has to stop. I feel like scrap stuff are like candy/chocolate the more I buy them -- the more I salivate to get more... its just seems to not end right ? So need to curb spending, Xmas is just around the corner...
So here are some simple pages -- cut and paste is my thing inspired by scrappers like Michelle who just scraps with no pressure.... Like the NIKE catch cry says 'JUST DO IT'..
Am not to shy to say the next pages you will see of mine are so beautiful in my eyes.. I have gone back to muti photo layouts now. I cant get used to the one photo layouts -- feeling ko sayang... (this is why I am in admiration to those who can do only one photo layouts --- and can take the white spaces because I personally cant)..
Here's the layouts to show (I have more just havent had time to take pics haaay..) of my cut and paste episodes.. do tune in I might just have enough time to take pics of my other layouts -- if the children permit me to do so...
Title: My family of boysMaterials used: Autumn Leaves pp, KI memeories lace paper, DCWV cs, Prima bling, Fiskars puncher, various rubons by Daisy d's, American Crafts, Adorn it, butterfly blings. transparency for mouting of the rubons and foam for 3d
You gotta love fiskars punchers -- I hope my rest of the stash punchers fly to Sydney soon. I use the KI Memories lace paper to create a frame on my photo here...
Mounted the rubons on transparencies for them to pop on the pages -- and added matting in orange...I was kinda' funny using the smiles rub on bec it was in purple.. but the colors tied together anyway... I dont use a lot of PRIMA bling on my pages -- but this time I couldnt stop.. but I had too or else the page will be over done already... I couldnt leave this owl alone without life so I revived him, cut him up and made him 3d -- he looks kinda cute, FAT dont you think ?
Title: You and Me
Materials: Autumn leaves pp, Ki Lace paper, DCWV cs for title, Gel a tin stamps for title Cloud 9 stickers for tittle, Staz on ink, ZIG pen , Rub on for title
This my cut and paste layout -- the paper is just beautiful so I just lifted the flowers ont he left handside of the PP. I added the Cloud 9 title, cut it up a little and added bling.. there is pretty much nothing to do on this but stick it on.. its not bad hey... I love this pic of Pat and I.

Poem reads: " And in the end, its not the years in your life that count, its the life in your years."
Here is a sneak peek of a simple mini album (Kaisercraft album using Fancy pants boy pps) I made and sharing at the KAYA PS challenge blog.. will give you a glimpse of it and post it later in full in this blog.........
(Photo credit goes to my favorite photog, Jeff Lopez -- ty big time !)
My great hubby reset my scrap nook to a scrap corner before my birthday. My father you see gave me a PC as birthday present and with my inlaws coming, my scrap stuff had to go out of the 2nd bedroom. So he rewired everything -- help me take things out and now... I have my scrap corner office..
I love it because I can be working and minding the children while they play in the living room (I will post pics very soon ok) Another plus is my
CLIP it by Renee came and even its just base for now (the top part coming in the mail from the US as we speak).... I can finally see my over flowing stickers, chipboard and rubons!....
My friends saw this on the weekend and think my scrap corner looks like a store? Gawd! I would love a store like scrap room thats for sure --- ok ok when I win lotto ok ? Will post pics when my scrap corner office is complete -- expecting my USPS boxes this week you see.. I want it all set up for sharing with you guys....