been slacking off on this blog,.. just so many things going on... here's whats been keeping me the past weeks...
Parents were here in Sydney and has left again to go back to Singapore,.... they wil be back briefly on the end of NOV. for a wedding to attend to.. Papa is a principal sponsor... only for a week though then to Sing. then Manila for my uncle's wedding and a close family friend all in one day too.. then 21st of December back in SYDNEY for more time with our family..
I have been cleaning too because inlaws are coming on the 16th Sept, with father in law, staying for 2 weeks and MIL staying for 6 weeks.. I hope there stay here will be fun and fruitful (hint hint uhhh uhhhh new house kaya?).... We are taking them to Canberra and maybe QLD for tropical weather and swimming (I just need to twist hubby's hand to spend the $$$$$)...
As for the kids I finally got my appointments at the CDU for Jorel's dev't assessment (OCT 27)and Jerome's intellectual assessment(NOV 3)... For Jorel's case, its SOP to do this because he hasnt began speaking... However some nice devts on him -- more interaction, more eye contact, and more noisier than ever.. I am claiming it he will speak in due time -- in GOD's time... Fr Suarez prayed over him and I will believe that its GOD's divine hand that will help my son develop better and faster in the coming years. I have more hope now and more belief in the power of PRAYER... nasa diyos ang awa (at pag-asa) at nasa tao ang gawa..... So on my end, theraphy and tutoring will really help him heaps....
For Jerome, I am being over acting here to get him assessed too.. he is in fact blooming in preschool and speech theraphy and so I have no doubt he will catch up... but to be on the safe side, an intellectual assessment is what I had asked for him. At least if I see some delay or if he needs help -- his School can get support for him til he can cope...
Just some kwentos about my kids -- I forgot to mention this here ---- I finally succumb to retail theraphy and bought a pair of boots (knee hi)... it was on sale at 100 bucks from 150 bucks .... i didnt bother to think of the price because my toes were so frozen each time I had gone out.... esp in the evenings... So anyway I was taking the kids to the mall and I had worn my slippers goin down from unit and changed my shoes when the kids were already strapped in their seatbelts..
I told the boys 'Look at moms shoes, isnt it nice?'.
Jacob goes "Mom why are you wearing that, are you a COWBOY?"
I was just shocked and I giggled and told him I wasn't....
Then Jerome goes 'Mom are you a fire fighter?'
So i told them I was neither a fireman or a cowboy, I was just always cold and needed warm shoes for the winter.... GO FIGURE -- where they get these things?
I have been a bad bad scrapper... I have finished projects but havent moved my butt to take pics of them..... I should you know, to test the NEW PC (Papa gave us an advance bday gift to me) and its colors on my pics... The laptop was driving me crazy because when I adjust color temp on my pics -- it appears too red on my prints.... Its also high time I learned photoshop with all the automatic stuff you can download on net to make editing a breeze (such a technophobic)......My friend Joel C. promised to help me learn its basics....
I have 5 layouts to upload and a MINI yes a MINi! I am not ashamed to say it a nice little piece too esp with the pics JEFF took last year (thanks to him -- I cant stop scrapping our pictorial dami pang pics to scrap you know !)..... Its been a slow productive time for me but I am proud to finally delve into my older stash and be rid of the idea of using only new stuff... syang eh...
Good news too Fantasia is allowing me to do my class with my group at their store.... so I went there to find materials so I can get them to approve the project and cost it out... They had a sign for casual help there too and I am thinking may be to apply too... However I need to find out if its going to affect my centrelink payments too... I have to look into it for now....
I leave you with some pics I love in our recent pictorial, that I havent had the chance to post.... I am sure you would leap for joy too once you see them... The kids loved this so much --- they were laughing and giggling, so I was just more than willing to jump high for them! (and never mind if mama looks kinda silly!)

Love your photos Joanne! And the last one is really very sweet. Thanks for sharing.
Yay for updates!
Don't worry, dear, God is good. Your boys will be fine with such loving and attentive parents. By the way, it's pretty common for kids to be delayed in speech these days... maybe it's because there's so much emphasis on signing in their earlier years, or on introverted experience such as computer games?
Oh well.
I wish you all the best. Loooove your pics, by the way.
bog update- !
ou sure look silly in the jumping session with the boys - but who cares? this ia all for posterity's sake - priceless :)
lapit na birthday mo. yiheee... miss ya!
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