Oh man its been catch up week this week -- I had to fold and fix into the wardrobe about 4 baskets of wash,.... not to mention unload our busting hamper of clothes and do 3 loads -- oh my thats waiting for me to fold too,.. darn,.....
Oh well -- I have to take it w/ my kids -- they are resilient and they learned to dress themselves all on their own (without yaya and without me)... In the mornings when we havent really taken a bath yet, they would go their respective drawers to find jocks, shorts and shirts,.. and they proudly come to me and say "MOM, I done it mom, look shirt short, I done it". They are toilet trained as well and really just call me when time comes for a wash, they wash their hands (never mind the messy soaked sink,..) I am trying to train the little one too to do his no.2 in the toilet,.. he hates it bec he lets out frustration everytime I make him sit there but he will soon get used to it....
My packages finally came from Deals Direct for chrome shelves (like my racks in the PHils) and drawers (resembling cropper hopper).. E parcels have to be delivered to my doorstep and darn delivery man didnt bother buzz my flat, he just put a card to say pick it up at the post office. I was so ticked -- I had those delivered because I knew it was bulky now I had to make Patrick do a run on his lunch time just to get them. I made a complaint just to let them know I never left my house and no body bothered to call or buzz me,.... some ppl -- just so darn lazy,..... I also complained at the company I bought the item from so they know I didnt pay for delivery just to pick it up at the post office... I am no whinger --- but you should get what you pay for --- and thats getting your packages at your doorstep...
Patrick helped me set up the shelves and drawers and I can finally say am all set. My dutiful mom arrived from a short Manila trip into Singapore and she was so kind enough to bring some of my wish list of scrapbook items left over there. So anytime my brother comes over -- he will bring some of it and the rest mom will bring over... Funny my shipping of 14 boxes also made the route via sea freight MLA-SING-AUS.....
Heres how the furniture looks like..

I sorted my embellishments into stocker boxes now chipboard, sticker of any kind, rubon and various (acetate, paper diecuts, plastic etc),... I am still tossing whether to get it the CLIP IT UP by Renee, I found it at $42 dollars for the base and $24.50 for the 2nd tier at an online in the US.

I sorted my embellishments into stocker boxes now chipboard, sticker of any kind, rubon and various (acetate, paper diecuts, plastic etc),... I am still tossing whether to get it the CLIP IT UP by Renee, I found it at $42 dollars for the base and $24.50 for the 2nd tier at an online in the US.
clipitup.html you can also find the 2 items on sale on EBAY too and so check it out.
Anyway chances are I will just agonized over this and never end up buying it ....
........ Que sera sera ...........