God is good -- he gave me a great set of friends who will always be there for you. They are ones who will uplift you when you are down and will rejoice with you in your success. They are first to compliment you when you look good and be the one to give you sound advise when you need it.
This is what friendship should be right. Its to love a person -- good points, flaws and all. And to understand you even in your bad days.

This is why it saddens me to hear of friendships that have not lasted. To hear of people deprived of great relationships (they dont know what they are missing)... How I wish I can share with them secret of our lasting friendship.
BOLDly, I am proud to say we just love each other. We dont feel envy in ones' triumphs (whether its career, family or even hobby), in fact we feel the same intensity too, as if it was US that won.
The support system is strong and we really help each other out, as best as we could.
I think that works -- with that combination -- I think even when we are in our GOLDEN years --- we will still laugh, cry, rejoice in the same way....
It maybe love for family and scrapbooking that has brought together but beyond that --- we have grown together as a band of women who enjoys life. WE have learned to not preoccupy ourselves with negativity and invite good karma by being happy and content... So the smiles you see here are all real.. for there is love amongst friends in this group...
Thank you girls for your time with me in MANILA -- I miss you all already,...
sayang IRIS was absent on this dinner...