It been awhile since I have been actively doing anything, whether it scrapping, updating this blog, visiting my egroups... things havent been the BEST... and I have been carrying this load on my back.... I have kept quiet (with the exception of trusted friends) about everything thats is going on with me, because the family has been dealing with it all. Everyone has been rallying to stay strong and face head on the challenges life in Australia has brought upon us.
To date, we are coping with the changes, the children are doing ok here. You know.....I would always be asked as to why we gave up our comfortable life in Manila to say 'rough it out' here in Sydney.... We are not rich but we have lead a comfortable life there. I am not ashamed to say I have gotten used to my routines and the team behind runnning our household (esp my Yaya Belle -- whom I miss so much!)..... So when asked as we began life here -- why we left -- I would have an automatic answer of saying "its for the kids future".
Its not to say, there's no truth in that statement -- we will not even decide this if not for the kids.. God has his perfect way of stressing my statement and before my eyes have really told me ---why we totally relocated our life here.... Its been an eye opening experience and NOW I will never look back to say it was ever wrong to do all this --- I have been affirmed that we are where we should be....
With the kids in kinder and pre school. I really wanted to make sure they were on the right track. If they were adjusting and coping well with a big school and a totally different environment.
First up was Jacob. I thought all the while he was doing great, but I realised later that he wasnt paying attention in school. His teacher had difficulty getting him to sit down and pay attention. I am not sure if the distraction comes from his seatmates or he just doesnt respond well to his teacher. Anyway after his mid year report card came out and our PTA was set up, the teacher has reported that he has slowly been interacting and had increased cooperation with his teacher. I am praying by Year 1 he has developed socially and can be more attentive to his teacher and studies. I have started him to do Kumon to help him with concentration and fine motor skills. To date he is one of the faster readers in class. I am praying he can apply himself more because he is a very bright child who has a very wide imagination.... I hope he can mature more in the coming months.
Then there is Jerome. He is my late bloomer in chatter dept.(spoke at age 3) but far advanced in social interaction. I call him my litle social butterfly because he breezed through adjustment in pre school like a PRO... The teacher raised the concern though, if he communicates well with me and I said yes.. I knew he was needing a SPEECH assessment and that I did. At present he is doing the theraphy to beef up his comprehension skills. He has improved in leaps and bounds. His teacher Mrs Wierzbicki and Ms Paulette has commented he does speak in short sentences now and communicates so much better with them and his classmates. He will move on to KINDY next year but thank GOD for Australia being so supportive of EDUCATION, I will inform his school about his speech theraphy and there will be funding to help him cope during the school year. He is only 5 by JAN 09, so we have a year next year to put him up to speed with theraphy and KINDY class to prepare him better for PRIMARY SCHOOL
Now for Jorel. I have been monitoring his speech dev't since we arrived here last OCT.07 because of my experience with Jerome. I waited till he was 2.5 years old till I started seeing my Pedia and began the series of tests in JUNE.... At present he has finished his blood/hearing/speech assessment test. To open up social interaction with other kids, we have started him with 2 days in preschool at ABC and began his speech theraphy. At this point I am also going to take him to Occupational Theraphy too to teach him play skills and assist his gross and fine motor skills....I have been also referred to bring him to a playgroup with kids (and parents) who are going through the same situation as my son. I know he and I will benefit in that tremendously... I have also put him on the list for EARLY intervention next year to help him get started..... Fingers crossed he gets a a spot...
Of course as I say this, it may seem I am so calm and collected. I am super ok now with the 2 older boys because time and maturity will solve their issues. My youngest son Jorel's situation is what makes my heart bleed. I did SPED in college and so I am so open to this but never in my dreams did I ever realise it will be this close to home.
I have been agonizing over waiting and waiting for his final test at the Childrens hospital, for developmental assessment... Not knowing whether he is a special child is causing me anxiety,...I am a true VIRGO - I hate now not knowing and not having an action plan.... it has gotten my temper flaring and I feel so sad for my 2 other kids who have to bear with my swinging moods. However I am human, I am not perfect, I am not the worlds best mom... This is my son, this is my last child, I know I have a great journey to travel with him and I am hoping that GOD will give me the strength and the will to keep going and to carry on all the trials that come our way.
I havent really cried hard about it --- just that its in my head all the time.. I wake up in the middle of the night --- thinking about it, worrying about it and agonizing over it. I guess you cant blame ME -- when this boy hugs and kisses you all the time (so loving...) you would really melt thinking - what can you do for him - how can you make his life better. As a parent, I want the best for him and I want so much to help him. I guess moving like what I have are my baby steps to help him but I pray hard that it will help him......
I guess you take it for granted when your kids blabber and scream at the top of their lungs... and here I am for Jorel waiting for the day he will call me ' MOM'.. thats my only fervent wish now --- IN GOD's perfect time...
So now when people ask me why we moved to Sydney -- it is with mind and heart I say -- for the Children's future,... for a better life for them.....